Ed and Sonja Corbin Release the Children Website Looking Back- 43 years in full-time ministry to children. The Corbin’s have been Children’s Evangelists, Children’s Pastors, Chicago Children’s Television Personalities and Missionaries to South Africa. Memorable Milestones- Creators and hosts of the Toddler’s Friends TV show, aired in 400 cities across America. Founder’s of the Jackson’s Ridge Children’s Ministry Training Center in South Africa. They have led multiplied thousands of children to receive Jesus as Savior and to experience the Baptism in the Holy Spirit. They are well known for their ability to communicate deep spiritual truth to children and to train adults leaders to do the same. Renewed Vision- After a hiatus of four years, God is calling the Corbin’s back into missions ministry, but not solely to Africa, but rather to the nations of the world. New Ministry- Release the Children was birthed earlier this year, thru a divine God encounter and confirmed through prophetic word. Release the Children is dedicated to setting the children free from spiritual bondage and hopelessness, and liberating them into their destiny as a child of God. We will accomplish this through children’s evangelism campaigns, the training of children’s ministry leaders, the production of supplies and materials to assist those working with children and through partnering with individuals, churches and community organizations to provide sustainable ministry to the devalued, hurting and suffering children of the world. For further information, to book the Corbin’s for a service or event, or to make a tax-deductible contribution, please contact Rev. Ed Corbin, 176 Country Ridge Way, Branson, MO 65616. Phone- 323.348.0265 Email- [email protected], Or visit our website @https://www.releasethechildren.com/ |