Lance & Mindy Hines
Missionaries to South Africa
Lance and Mindy married in 1991 and immediately launched into ministry, serving as youth pastors in Colorado, Tennessee, and Texas. The Hines family grew quickly as God blessed Lance and Mindy with three children, in a span of four years. Eldest son, Tyler and his wife Nicole serve as youth pastors in Colorado. Tyler and Nicole have two children and expect their third, September 2018. Austin Hines teaches school and coaches football in Montrose, Colorado. Daughter, Baylea Hines teaches kindergarten in Waxahachie, Texas. All three kids love Jesus and are actively involved in ministry in their local churches.
Missionary Service:
Lance and Mindy are both ordained ministers with the Assemblies of God. In 1999 Lance and Mindy received appointment as missionary with AGWM. The Hines family arrived in Zambia, Africa in 2001. In 2007, the Hines moved to Mozambique and re-opened the field. In January 2014, the Hines became AGWM Area Directors for Southern Africa. The countries of Angola, Botswana, Malawi, Mozambique, Namibia, Sao Tome & Principe, Zambia and Zimbabwe comprise Southern Africa. In 2017, Mindy began studying in the DMin program at AGTS. The Hines passion for; the lost, planting churches, training pastors, and serving others comes through in word and deed.
Looking over the past eighteen years of missionary service, the Hines remain grateful they followed Jesus and responded to his call. God has been faithful in good times and bad. Early on, Lance was carjacked and Mindy had nine bouts of malaria (within 18 months). God miraculously rescued Lance from the hands of murderous thieves, and healed Mindy, who has not had a single case of Malaria since 2003.
The Hines’ learned early on, that victory is often proceeded by trial and difficulty. The Hines bear witness as Jesus transforms lives, by the power of the spirit, through salvation and discipleship. Lance and Mindy marvel as unreached communities change when local churches, led by a well trained and equipped pastor, are planted and begin to thrive.
In Southern Africa, the Hines’ vision is clear: Christ will be proclaimed and his church will be established through the power of the spirit, in every community. Every Southern African will have a thriving Assemblies of God church, within walking distance.
The cry of Hines’ heart echoes God’s incredible call and Isaiah’s eager response…”’Whom shall I send, and who will go for us?’ Then said I, ‘Here am I; send me.” Isaiah 6:8
Almost twenty years later, the Hines continue to say, “Here I am – send me.”
Missionaries to South Africa
Lance and Mindy married in 1991 and immediately launched into ministry, serving as youth pastors in Colorado, Tennessee, and Texas. The Hines family grew quickly as God blessed Lance and Mindy with three children, in a span of four years. Eldest son, Tyler and his wife Nicole serve as youth pastors in Colorado. Tyler and Nicole have two children and expect their third, September 2018. Austin Hines teaches school and coaches football in Montrose, Colorado. Daughter, Baylea Hines teaches kindergarten in Waxahachie, Texas. All three kids love Jesus and are actively involved in ministry in their local churches.
Missionary Service:
Lance and Mindy are both ordained ministers with the Assemblies of God. In 1999 Lance and Mindy received appointment as missionary with AGWM. The Hines family arrived in Zambia, Africa in 2001. In 2007, the Hines moved to Mozambique and re-opened the field. In January 2014, the Hines became AGWM Area Directors for Southern Africa. The countries of Angola, Botswana, Malawi, Mozambique, Namibia, Sao Tome & Principe, Zambia and Zimbabwe comprise Southern Africa. In 2017, Mindy began studying in the DMin program at AGTS. The Hines passion for; the lost, planting churches, training pastors, and serving others comes through in word and deed.
Looking over the past eighteen years of missionary service, the Hines remain grateful they followed Jesus and responded to his call. God has been faithful in good times and bad. Early on, Lance was carjacked and Mindy had nine bouts of malaria (within 18 months). God miraculously rescued Lance from the hands of murderous thieves, and healed Mindy, who has not had a single case of Malaria since 2003.
The Hines’ learned early on, that victory is often proceeded by trial and difficulty. The Hines bear witness as Jesus transforms lives, by the power of the spirit, through salvation and discipleship. Lance and Mindy marvel as unreached communities change when local churches, led by a well trained and equipped pastor, are planted and begin to thrive.
In Southern Africa, the Hines’ vision is clear: Christ will be proclaimed and his church will be established through the power of the spirit, in every community. Every Southern African will have a thriving Assemblies of God church, within walking distance.
The cry of Hines’ heart echoes God’s incredible call and Isaiah’s eager response…”’Whom shall I send, and who will go for us?’ Then said I, ‘Here am I; send me.” Isaiah 6:8
Almost twenty years later, the Hines continue to say, “Here I am – send me.”